Sunday, November 11, 2007

Remembrance Day

Since today is Remembrance day and today is Sunday our church had a special Remembrance Day service and it was fun I guess! We sang O Canada the old version that is super long. I think they should change it so that that is the way you sing it when you sing it like @ school every day and stuff because like the USA anthem is like 4 minutes long and Canada's is like a minute. Whatever. After that we went to the cenotaph that everybody goes to, to see the Veterans and stuff and sing O Canada the short way in Opera and here the bagpipes. You know the works. During that time I was freezing my butt off because our friends from church were going to the Cenotaph too. So me and my sister drove there with them. And I left my winter coat on the Couch in my daddy's office @ the church. So I didn't have it and it was cold and rainy! Then I saw my friend and said Hi then we left. Sounds like fun right!

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