Monday, November 12, 2007


Yes! You know how earlier I said the power was off earlier! Well it is on now, Heres the story. It was off then a friend called to see if we wanted to go skating so we did and when we left the power was off! Da Da Daaaa! Anyway we had a fun time at the Sports Centre skating. Well, When we got home........Our Power........Was....ON! Ya! But then we had to go to the Chiropracter but we're back now!

Power Outage

Oh My Goodness! The Power has been out like all morning it is crazy! There are Power Outages all over the Island + Flooding. The friends we had over last night had a flooding house, last time I heard! Luckily we live on a hill! There was Thunder & Lightning last night forever. You are probably wondering how I am on the computer when the power is out the. TV is also on because we hooked the generator up to it! Me and Rebekah Boiled hot water on the wood-stove and now we are making Kraft Dinner for lunch on it!

Sunday, November 11, 2007


It won't let me put my Victoria pictures on Sorry!

Sunday Night

Since we have no school tomorrow because of R-day we had friends over. Our parents were going to have friends over anyway but because of the holiday the Kids came too. My sister and two of the girls are braiding hair and my brother and the other girl are watching "The Incredibles" and I just wanted to write in my blog. Because I don't currently have any pictures on my blog Check the pictures of my class going to Victoria! and all the pics of me look bad I had way to long hair. Whatever Thanks for Reading

Remembrance Day

Since today is Remembrance day and today is Sunday our church had a special Remembrance Day service and it was fun I guess! We sang O Canada the old version that is super long. I think they should change it so that that is the way you sing it when you sing it like @ school every day and stuff because like the USA anthem is like 4 minutes long and Canada's is like a minute. Whatever. After that we went to the cenotaph that everybody goes to, to see the Veterans and stuff and sing O Canada the short way in Opera and here the bagpipes. You know the works. During that time I was freezing my butt off because our friends from church were going to the Cenotaph too. So me and my sister drove there with them. And I left my winter coat on the Couch in my daddy's office @ the church. So I didn't have it and it was cold and rainy! Then I saw my friend and said Hi then we left. Sounds like fun right!

The Battle of the Blogs!

The poll about whose blog is better is @ the bottom of the page, Just so you know!
Bye? P.S If you come and see daddy's blog on the poll is 100% that is probably b/c there has only been one person who voted for it (most likely to be daddy or his mom) I know this because in the Ice cream poll I was the only one who voted in the whole poll ever and I voted for vanilla and since I was the only one who voted it was 100% Get It? Well you should by now if you don't read it again!
Bye Again?

Mwa Ha Ha

Go check out my daddy's blog @ then take the newest poll so I can see if my blog is better then daddy's or if daddy's is better than mine. I want to know whose is better!